Infographics, Lifestyle

12 Must-Have Rustic Decorations for Your Garden Wedding

A rustic wedding theme is not totally new, yet it remains popular and an obvious choice among 21st century brides for many reasons.

Experts would agree that among many other wedding themes, this option gives couples freedom to add their own personal touches while creating a natural and laid back feel. In fact, through the years, it continually gets an upgrade, in fact, it is increasingly becoming more universal thanks to the wealth of inspirations sourced from the Internet.

However, despite the fact that it has morphed and changed over the years, there are just decorations that are practically essential to pull off these wedding theme and you can see them in every wedding that hops on this trend.

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If you’re looking forward to do one of the best parts of your planning, Farm Hills Garden, a private wedding venue in Tagaytay, has compiled 12 of the must-have rustic decorations you should include in your shopping list.

12 Must-Have Rustic Decorations for Your Garden Wedding


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