
9 Hot Chocolate Variations

With so many uses for cold weather decorating, these Hot Chocolate signs are sure to add fun and a festive look to your holiday projects. The Hot Chocolate Infographic has 9 variations of hot chocolate, all with only 4 to 6 ingredients. Perfect for creating a hot chocolate gift basket with most of the ingredients to make each delightful hot cocoa variety. Or use it as recipes for a Hot Chocolate Bar. If you’d like to create something more permanent, laminate the infographic or glue it to a piece of wood and seal it with clear acrylic spray. Choose from the following recipes for hot cocoa: Peppermint, Eggnog Flavor, Candy Bar, Mint White Chocolate, Peanut Butter, Pumpkin Pie, Mexican Spice, Dark Chocolate or White Cranberry.

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9 Hot Chocolate Variations

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