
5 Fun Facts about Shipping Containers

Shipping containers? To many people, they are just large metal boxes to store and carry products. But to design and sustainability enthusiasts, they’re more than that. You’d be surprised that shipment and storage aren’t their only purpose.

Do you know why containers are a popular topic in eco-solutions? It’s because they paved a new way to make eco-friendly homes and buildings. No, it’s not merely adding windows and a door, you’ll find that plenty of establishments of various, attractive designs are actually shipping containers! Granny flats, cabanas, offices, glasshouses, man caves, and a lot more. With their versatility, they are transforming what sustainable, contemporary design is.

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Plus, shipping containers are a huge part of globalisation. How do you think we can export and import items to and from other countries? The fancy coffee frappe that you’re drinking? Its ingredients were probably imported from another country. Even the laptop that you’re using, or your phone or the television sitting in your living room. It’s partly thanks to them that we’re the global community that we are today.

There are more things that people don’t know about shipping containers. People don’t think much of them beyond being huge chunks of steel for storage and shipment. But now you’ve probably gone ahead and searched for container home designs just to see how they work. Versatile and pretty, aren’t they? But don’t you think the homeowners are worried about the durability? Here’s another nugget of information about them: they’re very sturdy, so durability isn’t an urgent concern!

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If you think that containers will be your next topic to share, whether as a fun fact or an idea for a sustainable home, check out this cool infographic about them! Here are five curious facts about shipping containers.

Shipping Container Facts Infographic


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