How To, Infographics, Travel

Ultimate Tourist Photo Guide

Check out this interesting, short but thorough guide to the famous landmarks all over the world (like Eiffel Tower, Taj Mahal, Christ the Redeemer, Buckingham Palace, Leaning Tower of Pisa, Sphinx of Giza and the Statue of Liberty) that will help tourists recreate a worthy photo.

I came, I saw, I photographed. In this age of iPhone photographers increasing numbers of people are exploring the world’s greatest locations, and returning with hard drives worth of images. This is a great thing, especially if you’re in the business of bringing these photos to life.

However, if you want to stand out on social media or create a truly unique album of personal memories, some forethought and pre-planning will be required to help turn your holiday snaps into masterpieces.

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While so-called ‘tourist traps’ are usually an eventuality in any adventure in a new country, they need not become a focal point of your travels. Culture, landscapes and wildlife provide a plethora of photography opportunities outside of historically significant buildings.

But when landmarks do loom, it’s important to reflect on what makes them quite so remarkable: Maybe it’s the intense survivability of the Giza’s Sphinx, the majesty of the Eiffel Tower, or the imposing hilltop locale of Rio’s Christ the Redeemer.

The next challenge is translating this sense of awe into the photographic medium, and from your own unique perspective too. Bobbooks have collected together some inspiration from our travels to bring you some top tips for snapping the world’s most amazing locations.

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Supposedly, it’s better to see somewhere once than hear about it a thousand times, but there’s nothing stopping you making your friends at home as jealous as possible.

Ultimate Tourist Photo Guide


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