TV stations are filling with lovey-dovey advertisements, restaurants are offering February promos, and flower prices have gone through the roof. This only means one thing: Valentine’s Day is almost here! Romantics everywhere will be searching for sweets, bouquets, trinkets, and other pricey gifts that they hope will appease their loved ones’ tastes. Interestingly, however, several of these chums probably got the same standard fare last year. And last last year. And last, last, last year…
Thinking of doing something different this February? Get the love of your life a funny Valentine’s Day gift. For one, the right gift will make your loved one laugh, and laugh hard. You’ll get a glimpse of that wrinkly, snorty, absolutely ugly laugh that turns your insides into happy mush. They’ll also receive a one-of-a-kind present that they won’t let go of for a long time, even if the gift includes a delightfully rude punchline. Plus, humor makes you irresistible, as proven by actual science. A funny gift is essentially your ticket to winning Valentine’s Day.
If you’re looking for choice gifts that’ll shake up your February, look no further than the infographic below! Here’s a list of 20 funny Valentine’s Day gifts, ranging from punny cookbooks to rude photo albums.

Need more ideas for cheeky gifts and rude cards? Check out our blog for more awesome posts.