Benefits of using POS System:
Our Ordoritepoint of sale and other sales operations vital for the daily running of your retail business. Our solution enables you to:
- Set up new customers or search for existing ones by postcode or other contact details and across different stores/channels.
- Use marketing tools such as Electronic Signatures, Email, Texting and Sales Analysis tools
- View customers balances, activity history, notes, orders and delivery details in one location
- Create orders using quick barcode scans or product searching using store information such as product names or attributes
- Select stock from available warehouses, retail stores, incoming containers or purchase orders
- Save orders and payment details storing your debtors and balances owed
- Process cancellations and returns; issue credit notes, restocking charges, retention and refunds
- Set up promotions for items, departments, categories or types so that discounts are automatically applied and traced
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