
Cabot Trail Road Trip

This infographics describes Cabot Trail road trip, one of the most famous in Canada.

Here are a several sights that definitely worth visiting on it:

The Skyline Trail is a 7km, looping, hiking trail at Cape Breton on the western side of the Cabot Trail. This trail is well known for its scenic views of the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Saint Lawrence.

Lake O’Law Provincial Park features picnic areas in fields and mixed-wood stands and a boat launch – a great location for boating and swimming.

A must for anyone visiting Cape Breton is The Alexander Graham Bell Museum. Exhibit shows how he and his associates achieved Canada’s first powered flight with their airplane Silver Dart, produced the world’s fastest boat, advanced recording technology, designed giant kites and, of course, invented the telephone.

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The route is suited to you if you like driving, hiking and scenic routes. Take at least 2 full days to pass it from June to October.

Cabot Trail road trip

Infographic by Cabot Trail road trip


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