Infographics, Technology

Cryptocurrency: Top 8 Women In Cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrencies are entries about token in decentralized consensus-databases. They are called so because the consensus-keeping process is built and secured by strong cryptography.

Cryptocurrencies are secured not by people or by trust, but by mathematics. Most cryptocurrencies share some common set of properties.

Irreversible: Once a transaction is confirmed there is no way you can reverse or alter or make any changes in it. This is a very advantageous aspect of cryptocurrencies for nobody can manipulate the details of the transaction.

Pseudonymous: The system ensures that neither the cryptocurrency accounts nor the transactions are revealed to anyone within the network or outside.

Fast and global: The cryptocurrency network scores greatly over the speed and reach of transactions. The transactions are relayed nearly instantly in the network and they are confirmed in a couple of minutes.

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Secure: The cryptocurrency funds are secured by cryptography. Only the owner of the private keys can access the funds that are present in their wallet. Cryptocurrencies are open sourced and the source code of cryptocurrencies is open for the public to modify and use.

Permissionless: The cryptocurrency network doesn’t require any permission for allowing any users to access it. Anybody can download the software for free. Once downloaded and installed, nobody can stop you from sending and receiving cryptocurrency.

Women In Cryptocurrency: Top 8 Women In Cryptocurrency

Look at this beautiful infographic on top 8 women in Cryptocurrency, this infographic was designed by This is all about the top 8 Crypto women and their achievements to this industry. The infographic speaks about the following eight Crypto women.

  1. Joyce Kim
  2. Perianne Boring
  3. Amber Baldet
  4. Jinglan Wang
  5. Jen Greyson
  6. Fahima Anwar
  7. Meltem Demirors
  8. Raine Revere
crypto women
Courtesy of: MrBTC


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