Custom printed gazebos are like blank canvases where you can exhibit your themes, colour combinations, layouts and elements to paint the perfect picture of your brand.

About 64% of people who attend a trade fair or a business convention tell at least six people about the event, and this word of mouth is the best form of advertising.

With superior UV printing techniques and heavy-duty 600D, UV50+ PVC coated polyester roof, Extreme Marquees custom printed gazebo is your best bet to achieving the maximum traction at a trade fair.

Extreme Marquees printed gazebos are tailor-made to your needs, attractively portray your brand and are very easy to set-up, ensuring maximum attention with minimum effort.

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We at Extreme Marquees pour in their years of expertise into every single custom printed gazebo ensuring the most elegant print, most accurate design and immaculate finish on every single one of them.
Our marquees are available in various, shapes, styles and sizes with extensive customisation options so that you can find your best fir with ease.

Our Marquees are sourced straight from our production unit and then shipped all across Australia to ensure that you receive the highest quality gazebos at the lowest prices. All our marquees are Engineer Certified, weather and water-proof, and flame-retardant. 

How to Transform your Booth into a Visitor Magnet?

Place your order now! Call 1300 850 832 or visit Extreme Marquees.
