The situation in Ireland and many western civilizations is that we as humans are living longer, healthier lives. It is expected that most Irish citizens will live to their mid-to-late 80’s. While this is great news for an individual, governments are not so well prepared, the burden on the state will be massive, especially financially. Some even say there may be no state pension available in 2046. So, our infographic delves deep into the data provided by the CSO Central Statistics Office in Ireland, bringing with it some interesting stats we have made visual.

For example, most of the respondents expect to retire between the age of 60 and 69 and 1 in 12 people have no intention of retiring! If you ask me the 1 in 12 have the right idea, as if you are not paying into a pension at as early an age as possible, living off the state pension will be a difficult feat. So, if you are working hard now and want to retire with some peace of mind check out Zurich Life’s pension calculator which gives the clearest indication of how much you should be paying into a pension to live the lifestyle that is perfect for you.

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Ireland: An Aging Country

Infographic by Zurich Irish Pensions Infographic
