Business, Health

Medical Chronology Definition

Telegenisys is a HIPAA Compliant firm. Due to our extensive engagement in healthcare delivery support, we have medical experts from a variety of specializations available to review, organize, and supervise data extraction and chronology creation.

Medical Chronology Definition

As a healthcare services firm, we understand how to present medical data so its easy to understand and use. Our summaries are hyper referenced information from the Department of Health and Human Services, Federal Drug Administration along with deep references on every medical provider using the National Provider Index Database. Its simpler than ever to review medical chronologies, let us show you how.

What is a medical chronology?

Medical chronology is a document that presents relevant details of medical events on a timeline. Typically medical chronologies list category of service, the healthcare provider, date of visit and outcome of the medical event. Generally, a chronology itself is of limited use unless hyperlinked references are provided into the medical record. Medical chronologies are evolving by referencing document types, provider taxonomies (specialties), medical conditions (typically using ICD 10 and ICD 9 codes that specify the problem) among other references. Good chronologies speed up the medical review process and provide the exact nature of the patient’s medical issues.

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How a medical chronology can help in a medical review?

A medical record can be hundreds of pages especially when there are a large number of medical issues being managed by a variety of healthcare providers. A medical chronology ensures that medical events can be reviewed rapidly so that decisions can be made on legal, insurance or healthcare actions to be taken. Our medical grade summaries are respected by attorneys, insurance companies and healthcare providers because they are based on a deep understanding gained through the review of a large number of cases.

How our medical chronologies are built? Simply higher quality medical review reference!

Telegenisys develops medical data for medical research, healthcare, insurance, and legal uses. We have a deep understanding of medical conditions and our hyper referencing system is unique. We use 5.4 million healthcare provider database maintained by the Department Of Health and Human Services ( to identify hospitals and doctors with their declared specialties (taxonomy codes). Similarly, when we look at conditions we use the entire ICD 10 & 9 billing code indexes to reference medical conditions found in the record. Our software references every known drug approved by the FDA (US Food & Drug Administration) and every known abbreviation known. Our system is designed to reference over 500,000 medical attributes providing clear reference and categorization of medical data.

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For organizations reviewing a large number of medical records, Telegenisys is offering a free trial. To set this up contact us for a quick conversation of your needs followed by your system setup.

Infographic by: Telegenisys


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