Infographics, Technology

What’s Next from Apple 2017?

Only a precious few things come close to the kind of anticipation Apple products command. Releasing game changing products and features year after year, Apple’s range of products have left users wanting for more. After the last release of iPhone7, the world awaits to see what comes out of Apple’s stable this year – the year of Apple iPhone’s 10th anniversary!

Dot Com Infoway has compiled an interesting infographic highlighting the key offerings from Apple in the year 2017. A look at the infographic reveals that Apple is not just planning to release the next, most awaited iPhone, but a whole new set of series across its product range; from the latest iPads and newest Apple watch series to the advanced iMac and MACBOOK arrivals.

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Check out the infographic to know details about new launches and heart-stealing features from Apple:


Infographic by dotcominfoway


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